About Kassy
Kassy was born September 24, 1993 in New York...a very happy, energetic and independent baby. Her independency showed at a very young age from when she started walking. She didn’t want us to hold her hand and would just fall and get up a couple of times until she was able to walk without falling.
She was an active ballet/jazz dancer since the age of 3 through her teen years when we moved to New Mexico. She was a musician that learned violin, viola, piano and clarinet. She continued keeping busy by becoming a Varsity Cheerleader for Cleveland High School. She was in the first class to graduate from the new high school in Rio Rancho.
She was the third child of seven. Although she was the younger sister, she had the old soul of being an advisor to the older siblings and a mama bear to her younger siblings. She couldn’t wait to grow up, graduate from college, get married and have her own family.
Most of the jobs she held she excelled to management positions. After she graduated from high school, she took basic courses at CNM and soon after ventured to Pittsburgh University to continue studying for occupational therapy. Her goal was to work with children and help them develop all their living skills to be self-reliant. She had done some volunteer work shadowing an occupational therapist at a children’s facility. She knew then what her specialty would be.
Soon after she became engaged to her college sweetheart, who was finishing up college at UNM in New Mexico. This led her to travel back home to put that semester on hold and prepare for a wedding. They had it all planned out he will graduate the following year. She was very excited preparing for the next chapter in her life. She dreamed of this day since she was a little girl.
Both sides of the family went thru step by step getting all the preparations done. She had moments when she felt overwhelm but she knew putting school on hold was just temporary until he was done. She would work full time and he will concentrate on school and football.
They wanted to be married before moving into their apartment they had found. On December, they chose to have an intimate quiet, small family wedding and continue with the plans of a big reception in a couple of months where family and friends will be flying in from different states. An unforgettable moment for the whole family.
As time went on, they were learning about each other, their roles and their responsibilities as newlyweds. Short time after they found out they were expecting their first child. Just a week after losing their puppy to a surprising disease called parvo. She was devastated and had to switch her emotions from mourning her loss to being excited about her surprising news.
She continued to work full time as her husband continued to finish school. While at her job she got promoted to management position, she tried to put aside her symptoms of daily vomiting, insomnia, several bloody noses, aches and pains that she was not used to experiencing. As well as other feelings we were not aware of at the time. Her emotions where scattered everywhere. She would ask, “when will I feel normal again?” Nor Kassy or her husband had any idea how a pregnancy can cause such a debilitating illness called Perinatal Depression. You deserve to be heard, speak up, your voice is valid.
Kassy at her best with her nieces, nephew, and her baby